Yesterday morning I was full-throttle into the Tuesday morning rush when everything came to a sticky screeching halt! I had just let Beamer in from being in the back yard and he seemed to cower away from me. Very strange since more often than not if I'm moving he's right under my feet. As I was running to take a shower, I found Beamer "hiding" in his crate and he wouldn't come out. I was thinking he's either sick or he did something REALLY bad. I pulled him out and there was a familiar smell, but not one that would normally be associated with dogs. Hmmmm, did he get a hold of Simon's plate of waffles? He sure did smell like syrup. I ran downstairs and was reassured that Simon's plate of waffles had not been attacked by the dog, BUT the Costco size FULL bottle of syrup that was on the pantry floor was now 1/4 full and laying nicely on it's side (
the cap was left inside the pantry as he was trying to drag this into the other room)....

Fortunately, for the dog and kids sakes I tend to have a semi-decent sense of humor about these situations and choose to grab the camera before reacting. Like the time I heard the Costco size box of Frosted Flakes being dumped on the floor by Simon. Maybe what I need to do is stop shopping at Costco??
So I ran upstairs, camera in hand, planning to snap a picture of Beamers sad face, but instead found him getting sick. DUH! A bit too much sugar for you? It was 9:15 and I had yet to get showered and Simon needed to be in Chantilly at 10:00 and Mary Kate wasn't yet dressed. After smearing the syrup all over the floor with a roll of paper towels, I grabbed the vinegar and voila! the sticky mess was gone. Beamers crate would have to wait until I got back.
I left the back door cracked so that Beamer could come and go as the syrup was working its way through ;) This I would find was going to be a blessing and burden. When I walked through the door at 12:30 he was running around in the backyard terrorizing the poor neighbor that was gardening. Beamer came running into the house and it appeared as though he was wearing some kind of camoflauge dog sweater. NOT! That "sweater" would instead be all the leaves that were not raked up 3 months ago caked to his body! Beamer was now a walking leaf pile. No I did not get a picture of that, you may use your imagination.
I won't lie, I did take some pleasure in bathing him and not-so-gently pulling the leaves out of his fur. Love this dog, but seriously it's like having 3 toddlers!
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