Friday, March 27, 2009

Kudo's to the "A-Cups"

I went for my first mammogram today and much to my sister's dismay didn't take pictures or have a live video feed available for her comedic enjoyment. When my dear sister went for her first mammogram a few years back apparently she found it funny to imagine how it would even be possible for me to get into the boob-squishing machine and wanted to be there to see it happen. About 6 weeks ago, I felt a lump and after ignoring it for a week, I made an appointment to see my OB/GYN. It's funny I've never seen him for the "GYN", but always for the "OB" and as a matter of fact this appointment was really my 6-week postpartum check-up. I was only 2 years late :) Dr. Scott Forrest laughed and said he figured I'd just call my 6 week check-up in since I'd done it so many times before.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about the mammogram, I think it was a normal reaction and one that was mixed with many different variables. What if they "found" something? What would the future be? What if they laughed at me as they tried squishing my overly petite girls? What if it really did hurt as bad as EVERYONE told me it would? What if I really was THE smallest patient the doctor and mamo tech had ever seen (and at 5'7" I'm not talking about my height)? How would I handle any of the above scenarios?

Well today God sent Karen into my life and she was a true blessing to this nervous lady. Karen was the technician that did the looking, smooshing & pushing. I did get nervous at the beginning when she tried setting me up on the machine and had to stop and put a smaller "smoosher" on (as you can see, I am not hip on technical mamo-terms). She didn't even laugh at me and later told me that I could tell my sister that I got to the number 3 on the smoosher (I let Karen know that I was pretty sure M.O. would have made it to a 9 or 12).

It was the longest 90 minutes EVER, but 6 images and a sonogram later, I walked out of there with GREAT news, all clear! My petite girls and I are some happy campers tonight. There really was no pain, just some discomfort. So maybe the smaller the better is the rule for mamo's ;)

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to hear there was no news! Whew, that scared me when I started reading the post. I haven't had a mamogram yet, when is the recommended age these days? For some reason I have the age 40 in my head, so I figure I've still got a few smoosh-free years left. I wonder if they have special smooshers for those of us who have nursed enough babies that we look like a National Geographic photo?
