I'm usually very good at keeping up with the laundry, but for some reason I am much better at doing it during the week. I guess because it is just part of my daily routine. When the weekend rolls around, routine's are more of a distant memory and then I get knocked over Monday morning with the reality of a large family. This past Sunday I did realize that I had yet to run the washing machine all weekend and thought about starting a load, but instead put it off until Monday. Well Monday rolled around and my Costco shopping list had become far too long to put off any longer. Fine, I'll work on the laundry after Costco. Well the van was unloaded and grandma was getting ready to leave (the list was too long to have had kids tag along with me), when the phone rang and Nolan was running a fever and needed to be picked up. Did I mention that I had yet to get a shower in and it was now 3:00? I picked him up, lined up a babysitter to watch him while I took Andrew and Ri to CCD and then to Karate. Got home, put kids to bed and the last thing I wanted to do was attack the mountain o'laundry. So this morning, while Nolan and Simon were laying low with fevers, Mary Kate and I decided to start the laundry. I don't usually take pictures of my dirty laundry, but this pile was just too much. I am happy to say that it is now 3:00 and all the laundry is washed and folded (with the exception of the one load in the dryer) and will be put away when Mary Kate is up from her nap!
This is how I define a successful day!
With only TWO kids, laundry is always at my backside and is a complete nightmare. I need some more tips for you, especially if the fam grows. :-) Sarah Selvidge