This year I've done decided to do things a bit differently for Lent. In years past, we've abstained from meat on Fridays, given something up (
candy, coffee) and worked on something personal (
usually held within our hearts, but not spoken of). We've never required any sacrifices from the kids other than abstaining from meat. For the past few years, I've seen many ideas floating around the internet full of great ideas of things families can do together in preparation for Easter, but I've always been overwhelmed at the prospect of implementing anything. Not this year! I've been confined to the house since Monday afternoon with sick kids and this has allowed me to put some plans in place. No errands to run. Caught up on the
laundry. Today, Ash Wednesday, was the perfect day!
It's really nothing spectacular to the outside world, but for me I feel as though I have had quite an accomplishment. I found a site for making a "
Crown of Thorns" and enlisted the help of one sick child to help place the thorns (
grandma also helped out when she stopped by). With the leftover salt dough, I made crosses for each child. I then typed up a list of our families planned sacrifices. Later tonight, everyone will sign the list and it will be posted on the pantry door to remind us of the sacrifices we'll be making to help draw us closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Margaret, Great idea! Thank you for sharing.